version 0.6.5 final (20-November-2010): * djblets.datagrid: * MEDIA_SERIAL is now used for all the images in the datagrid template. Patch by Ben Hollis. * djblets.util: * Added a @root_url decorator for use with get_absolute_url implementations, which appends SITE-ROOT to any returned URLs. * Added a CounterField for atomically updating counters. CounterField can be used to atomically increment or decrement an integer stored in the database, on individual models or on many models at a time. It's intended to substitute for potentially expensive or numerous SQL queries that retrieve counts of objects. * Updated the custom fields for Django 1.2 multi-database compatibility. * djblets.webapi: * Fixed a bug in serializing 'long' values in XML. * Resources now Vary on HTTP Accept, meaning that the browser won't cache the wrong response type when accessing the same resource with two different requested mimetypes. * Reduced the SQL query count for resources. * Fixed problems that could occur with URLs when serializing objects in a list and when returning links.