version 0.7.3 final (29-November-2012): * This version contains all the fixes and functionality of 0.6.27. * General: * Django 1.4.2 is now required. * All admin-related templates have been changed to better fit the admin template structure and styles. This includes siteconfig and logs. * djblets.extensions: * Extension lists and state are now synchronized across threads/processes/servers. * Extension subclasses now must capture all variable arguments (*args, **kwargs) and pass them to the parent constructor. * URLHook, admin URLs, and API resource URLs are all now added and removed properly when an extension is enabled or disabled. * djblets.util: * Cache keys are now bound to the SITE_ROOT, if one is set, to prevent leakage across instances. (Bug #2538) * Added DynamicURLResolver in djblets.util.urlresolvers. This can be added to a urlpatterns list to provide an entry point for dynamically adding or removing URLs on a site. This is used primarily for extensions. * djblets.webapi: * API handler functions that specify allow_unknown=True in @webapi_request_fields can now retrieve all extra fields as an 'extra_fields' argument. * JavaScript: * The jQuery dependency has been updated to 1.8.2, and jQuery-UI to 1.8.24. * inlineEditor's animation speed has increased, and is now customizable through options.fadeSpeedMS. * inlineEditor now does a better job of matching the parent container's bounds. * inlineEditor no longer activates when simply selecting text. Patch by Dave Druska. * Added a $.fn.retinaGravatar function that, on Retina-capable displays, requests a larger gravatar for the given URL specified in an .